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The animals listed below arethose that feature as foes in stories of the horror genre (thinkof Hitchcock’s The Birds) or those that might be utilized bythe investigators (such as horses as mounts).

# Bat, Large

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The giant fruit bat of Central America congregates in dozensor hundreds. The smaller bats common to the United Statesgather in enormous cavern-based flocks of up to 50,000individuals. Bats worldwide are under severe environmentalattack from humans.

# Bat, Large

Characteristic Average Rolls
STR 25 (2D4) ×5
CON 35 (2D6) ×5
SIZ 15 (2D4) ×5
DEX 105 (1D6+18) ×5
POW 35 (2D6) ×5

If attacking as a group, use the characteristics above to representthe group, increasing the Size by 10 and damage dice size by 1for each additional bat.

HP: 5
Average Damage Bonus: -2
Average Build: –2
Move: 1 / 12 flying

# Attacks

Attacks per round: 1
Fighting attacks: Attacks with teeth and claws.
Fighting attacks (Group): Each time the target beats the bats in a Fighting roll reduce the number of bats by one. Thus a group of 6 bats would have a size of 65 and would inflict 1D6 damage (since there isn’t a D7).

Fighting 40% (20/8) damage 1D2 (+1 to dice size per extra bat in group)
Dodge 52% (26/10)

Armor: None.
Skills: Spot Hidden (echo-locate) 75%.
Habitat: Warm and temperate climates worldwide.

# Bears

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The Black bear is by far themost common type of bear inNorth America. It is the onlybear likely to be met in theeastern United States.

# Bear, Black

Characteristic Average Rolls
STR 100 (3D6+10) ×5
CON 65 (2D6+6) ×5
SIZ 100 (3D6+10) ×5
DEX 50 (3D6) ×5
POW 50 (3D6) ×5

HP: 16
Average Damage Bonus: +2D6
Average Build: 3
Move: 12

# Attacks

Attacks per round: 2
Fighting attacks: Large strong creatures with big paws, claws andteeth.

Fighting 40% (20/8), damage 1D6 + damage bonus
Dodge 25% (12/5)

Armor: 3-point fur and gristle.
Skills: Climb 30%, Listen 75%, Scent Prey 70%
Habitat: Southern Canada to Southern Mexico.

# Crocodile

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The Nile crocodile, now rare in the lower Nile but still foundin central Africa, Madagascar, tropical Asia and northernand western Australia. Where there is water there may becrocodiles. Crocs eat anything they can catch and comein great numbers to a kill tofeed communally. Usuallythey will not attack a boat.Similar stats may be used forany crocodilia, includingalligators, caimans,and gavials—alllong-snouted,lizard-like, andcarnivorous.

# Crocodile, Nile

Characteristic Average Rolls
STR 130 (4D6+12) ×5
CON 90 (3D6+8) ×5
SIZ 130 (4D6+12) ×5
DEX 35 (2D6) ×5
POW 50 (3D6) ×5

HP: 22
Average Damage Bonus: +2D6
Average Build: 3
Move: 6 / 8 swimming

# Attacks

Attacks per round: 1
Fighting attacks: The main danger of course is their bite, but a large one can thrash around and cause impact damage.
Bite and hold (mnvr): Vicious jaws; once they have hold they are unlikely to let go and may drag their victim underwater to drown.

Fighting 50% (25/10), damage bonus
Bite and hold (mnvr) damage 1D10 + damage bonus, followed by damage bonus each round while held (or drowning)
Dodge 17% (8/3)

Armor: 5-point hide.
Skills: Stealth 60% (in water 80%)
Habitat: Tropics, especially jungle marshes worldwide.

# Dog

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Our domestic friends are notable among animals fordevotion and affection to their human masters. As hunters,they prefer to gather in packs of 1D8+3 animals minimum.Dogs come in a variety of sizes and the (average) valuesbelow should be adapted accordingly.

# Dog

Characteristic Average Rolls
STR 35 (2D6) ×5
CON 50 (3D6) ×5
SIZ 35 (2D6) ×5
DEX 70 (4D6) ×5
POW 35 (2D6) ×5

HP: 8
Average Damage Bonus: -1
Average Build: –1
Move: 12

# Attacks

Attacks per round: 1

Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D6
Dodge 42% (21/8)

Armor: N/A
Skills: Listen 75%, Scent Something Interesting 90%.
Habitat: Where humans live.

# Horse

The Call of Cthulhu RPG Wiki (5)

Horses offer many advantages to those who know their ways.For roleplaying, divide them into riding horses, draughthorses, donkeys, and mules.

Use of the riding horse is covered by the Ride skill. Singleriders and small groups can easily cover forty miles in a day,given plenty of water and fodder, such as oats and othergrains. Riding horses may spar with other horses, but theydo not fight unless cornered. Even cavalry-trained horsesare trained merely to stay their ground and control theirnervousness. Nearly all horses will panic at the presence ofsome supernatural thing.

Draught horses are the largest of horses, usually brokento ride but not much ridden. To hitch them to wagons, aDrive Horses or similar roll might be asked. Saddles andgirths large enough for them may not exist; bareback ridingcould be done with one penalty die to the Ride skill.Donkeys and mules mostly carry burdens, not riders, ordraw wagons or carts. Stereotypically, they ignore commandswhen it pleases them, even brutal ones.

Among all horses, the tendency concerning bloodyevents, gunfire, monsters, angry crowds and so on, will be asensible one, to flee.

# Horse

Characteristic Average Rolls
STR 140 (3D6+18) ×5
CON 65 (2D6+6) ×5
SIZ 165 (6D6+12) ×5
DEX 50 (3D6) ×5
POW 50 (3D6) ×5

HP: 23
Average Damage Bonus: +3D6
Average Build: 4
Move: 12

# Attacks

Attacks per round: 1
Fighting attacks: These are large animals that can kick and bite as well as buffet a lesser opponent to the ground. Can rise up on its hind legs then plunge down with its forelegs. A horse requires training for it to trample people.

Fighting 25% (12/5), damage 1D8 + damage bonus
Dodge 25% (12/5).

Armor: None.
Habitat: Grasslands and high deserts, or where humans are.

# Rat

Individual rats are not worthy opponents, but an infestationof rats can be daunting. Assume ten rats per pack. Asuccessful attack by an investigator kills one or two rats andusually chases away the rest of that pack.

Rack Pack

Characteristic Average Rolls
STR 35 (1D6+4) ×5
CON 55 (2D6+4) ×5
SIZ 35 (1D6+4) ×5
DEX 70 (4D6) ×5
POW 50 (3D6) ×5

HP: 9
Average Damage Bonus: -1
Average Build: –1
Move: 9

# Attacks

Attacks per round: 1
Fighting attacks: Rats attack with teeth and claws.
Overwhelm (mnvr): As a pack they may assault and overwhelm an individual using the maneuver rules, because of their numbersthey gain one bonus die on the attack. Such an attack would involve swarming over the target, biting and scratching as they do so.

Fighting 40% (20/8), damage 1D3
Overwhelm (mnvr) damage 2D6
Dodge 42% (21/8)

Armor: N/A
Habitat: Not far from where you are sitting right now.

# Wasp and Bee Swarms

A cloud of stinger-equipped, flying insects attacks for 2D6combat rounds before halting pursuit. Unless the victims arecompletely covered (as with netting or by being enclosed in anautomobile or by diving underwater), there is no protectionagainst them. An investigator who is stung extensively andwhose player fails a CON roll may experience profoundimmune system shock, fall seriously ill, and (rarely) die.The Africanized bees presently colonizing the Americasare more intent in their pursuit than are honey bees or wasps,attacking for up to 3D6 minutes. Being seriously stung bythese so-called killer bees occasionally results in death, sincethe attacks are comparatively unrelenting and often morenumerous. Each minute of such attack might cost as muchas 1D6 hit points.

# Wolf

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They may hunt in packs when dogging herds of elk orcaribou; they as often hunt singly or in family pairings.Wolves are normally shy and verified attacks on healthyhumans are said to be rare or non-existent.

# Wolf

Characteristic Average Rolls
STR 65 (2D6+6) ×5
CON 50 (3D6) ×5
SIZ 40 (2D6+1) ×5
DEX 65 (2D6+6) ×5
POW 50 (3D6) ×5

HP: 9
Average Damage Bonus: none
Average Build: 0
Move: 12

# Attacks

Attacks per round: 1
Fighting attacks: Teeth, claws and mauling.

Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 1D8 + damage bonus
Dodge 32% (16/6)

Armor: 1-point fur
Skills: Track (by smell) 90%, Spot Hidden 60%
Habitat: Approximately the same ranges as larger cold and temperate climate ruminants and herbivores.

The Call of Cthulhu RPG Wiki (2024)


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